Nicole and Darren are the lecturers for Neuroseminars, their aim is to make neurology as simple and relevant to clinical practice as possible.
Neuroseminars mix relevant theory with frequent practical sessions help clinicians develop their assessment, treatment and rehabilitation skills. Case reports are presented to encourage a mindset of choosing an appropriate intervention based on clinical findings then retesting to measure effectiveness.
Each seminar covers recent research into the neurological mechanisms and therapeutic options. Please note, all of our seminars are designed to be stand-alone. You do not require prior knowledge of functional neurology and you can take our seminars in any order you wish. Some seminars are being provided online through Zoom conferencing and the format will differ from that described below.
Introduction to Functional Neurology: Relevant to any practitioner treating musculoskeletal disorders, it looks at how the brain influences muscle tension, posture and coordination. Explores how various forms of manipulation, mobilisation, active release, post isometric relaxation, dry needling, taping and fascial release will alter local muscle tone. Then the influence these techniques and rehab exercises have on the cerebellum and brainstem nuclei involved in muscle control.
Pain, Headaches and Migraines: Relevant to practitioners treating acute and chronic pain. It covers how manual techniques affect peripheral pain pathways and ways to decide when other pain management techniques will also be required. Explores central pain mechanisms with techniques to improve descending pain inhibition from the brainstem.
Reviews the research concerning headaches, migraines and trigeminal neuralgia; what occurs neurologically during a migraine which manual interventions have been found to be effective for migraines, food and supplements that make a difference and recent interventions such as vagal nerve stimulation and insufflation. Explores the neurological triad of vestibular dysfunction, anxiety and migraine and how TMJ and trigeminal nerve interacts with this.
Functional Neurological Disorders: The research concerning these disorders leads us through the cortex, basal ganglia and limbic system to understand the processes leading to FND and why a good assessment of the lobes of the brain and appropriate rehab can complement the contemporary medical approach to FND. this understanding is also relevant to patients with depression, anxiety and some cortical dysfunction.
Whiplash, Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion a functional neurological approach to assessment and rehabilitation
Vertigo, Dizziness and Balance Disorders, this includes how the balance system can influence Dysautonomia
Developing Brains Series specifically focus on children with learning and behavioural disorders.
- Stimulating Development of the Vestibular System and Cerebellum.
- Developing the Autonomic Nervous System, Social Engagement and Attachment
- Neural Networks of Dyspraxia, ADHD, ADD, Sensory Processing Disorder and Dyslexia
- Neural Networks of Overfocused ADHD, Anxiety-driven ADHD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Pathological Demand Avoidance, Tourettes Syndromes and Autism
Further details in regard to Developing Brains Seminars can be found here
For more detail about each seminar, the current schedule and costs visit Neuroseminars website or facebook page