Darren has a keen interest in brain development and the factors that influence this. He is the Director of Academic Affairs for the Royal College of Chiropractors, Paediatric and Pregnancy Faculty and teaches Developmental Neurology throughout Europe. Darren regularly sees’ children at the Newland centre and other health care professionals and piers refer their patients to Darren for assessment.

Developing Brains is different from chiropractic treatment, the appointment times, assessment, interventions and pricing are different and the programs involved are used by various health care professionals. There has been research conducted into its components but not into the whole, so it is important to understand we do not make any claims about benefits; there are no guarantees and this does not fit into the Advertising Standards Agencies description of chiropractic. Shown below is what happens during an appointment, what is assessed and why.

About Darren

Testing and Assessments

What to Expect

Developing Brains Seminars

Pricing and Cancellation policy

Interactive Metronome information