Massage doesn’t just make muscles feel better, it makes them heal faster and stronger Massage has been used to treat …
Harvard study shows massage as benefitical
Research on muscle and bone wasting (Sarcopenia & Osteoporosis)
Interesting to read this article from International Osteoporosis Foundation, well worth a look if you’re concerned about Osteoporosis. It looks …
Too much TEXTING is causing neck pain!
“Text Neck” is on the rise, and a cause of neck pain according to Chris Cornett MD, orthopaedic surgeon and …
Chiropractic: the truth behind what we do
Yes we’ve heard the horror stories, the rumours and frankly, the outrageous. But what is the truth? What actually is …
Award Winning Study Accepted for Publication
A study, which furthers our understanding of how adjusting the spine causes neurological changes, has just been accepted in the …